January 22, 2012

Get Fats For Your Brain

Get Fats For Your Brain

The human body was designed to love fatty foods in part because of the needs of the brain. We should choose the “good” kinds of fats, skipping the dangerous ones and adding plenty of brain-healthy ones.

The brain is made mostly of fat, which not only forms the membranes around cells that regulate what gets in and out of them but also insulates the bundles of nerve fibers that act as high-speed communication cables in the brain. It shouldn't be too shocking, then, to learn that fat is the single most important nutrient for protecting and preserving brain function. Eating a low-fat or, worse, a no-fat diet is actually the worst thing you can do for your brain. What the brain craves most are the omega-3 fats. They turn on the genes that determine how the brain develops, repair and preserve brain cells, enable the cells to deliver signals efficiently, and may even facilitate the growth of new cells. Studies show that without enough omega-3s, the brain can't function properly. Over time, lack of omega-3s may even contribute to the development of Alzheimer's disease. Unfortunately, most people don't eat nearly enough of these good fats.

So don't be afraid to eat those fats you are trying to avoid. Just always keep in mind that "too much is bad".
Be generous to your body and brain, foods are created to be eaten.
In proper way, you can benefit to the foods that most people avoid.
Fats like those that came from fish oils and olive oils are good not just for your brain but also for your heart.
Check your ref now and eat smart.

Eat fish
Switch to olive oil
walnut oil
flax seed oil

Here are some links that may help you know more about good fats and foods to look for in the nearest supermarket .


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